This is the group of students of 2º ESO A at the Bajo Guadalquivir Secondary School in Lebrija, Sevilla. We have started a partnership project with the Greek school ΠΕΤΡΙΤΣΕΙΟ ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΛΗΞΟΥΡΙΟΥ. The title of the project is “ IS IT TRUE THAT WE ARE SO DIFFERENT?” whose aims are:
- To adquire and improve the students' linguistic competence in English, Spanish and their own language.
- To motivate the students towards the learning of the languages by means of authentic communication.
- To know the English language and respect the culture of the twin countries.
- To discover other languages and cultures through the new information and communication technologies.
- To adquire responsibity and team- work compromises to achieve the aims of the project.
We get this opportunity to welcome the teachers and students from the partner school.